
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Winter Depression.

I have a great friend who used to go into a sort of seasonal depression right after Christmas.

I can relate.

The holiday's are so exciting! Lots of family fun and delicious food and days off from work. Then we get into super cold and dreary January and February, where the only thing I really look forward to is warm meals in the crockpot.

My wardrobe is pretty dreary right now too. I open the closet door and just stare into a sea of nothingness. In actuality, I have plenty to wear. I'm just having trouble piecing outfits together. I find myself reaching for the same sweater and jeans every morning. Oh to wear short sleeves and shorts! Spring, where are you??

I threw this on the other day when I was going out for a drink with a friend. It was one of those days that I wanted to wear something unique, but I think I might have ended up looking a bit too much like Michael Jackson. My closet just isn't inspiring me lately. What do you think of this look? Fun and fancy free or too costumey?

Sequin sweater: Vintage, Pastimes Antiques. Chambray Shirt: Target. Skinny Pants: Target. Booties: Macy's. Belt: Talbots.
 If you're in a winter slump, here's a few sites to check out for inspiration!
My personal PINTEREST

Good Life for Less: Jill is going through the same kind of winter rut as me, only she's not letting it get her down! Check out some of her fun, colorful ways to get through the next couple of months!

Kendi Everyday: If I had to choose one other person on the planet to switch closets with, it would definitely be Kendi. Her style is magnificent.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go brush up on my Thriller technique.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Turning 3.

What a weekend! We had a so much fun celebrating John's 3rd birthday with friends and family. That is one loved little man let me tell ya! Here's a few pictures from the weekend, sorry for some of them being blurry! That's how I feel the weekend went by---too fast!

A little decorating.

Party hats and homemade playdoh for friends to take home.

John and his friends at the painting station! Each child took home a painted canvas to keep!

Blowing out the candles!
Opening gifts with friends.

John's first Ford!

We all had a blast and I can't wait for the next birthday celebration :) 

Friday, January 27, 2012


My baby turns three Sunday! I love a good party, so naturally we're celebrating in style at our house.The theme is "Art" and everyone is encouraged to wear color and old clothes--we'll be painting mini canvases and sculpting with homemade playdoh!

Here's what I plan to wear for the party. Colorful and fun, just like my little man. I'm also wearing it today at work because I love it that much!

Parrot Shirt: Old Navy. Red Jeans: NY&Co. Grey Wedges: Target.

And yes, I did go there. I painted my nails like the rainbow :) That's how I roll.

Green: OPI's Jade is the New Black. Yellow: OPI's The IT Color. Blue: Essie's One Day Without Blues. Pink: Essie's Lady Like. Red: Essie's Clambake. Bracelet: Gift from Jess

I'm turning off my screens for the weekend and spending time with the number one person in my life. I'll share party pics next week. Happy weekend everyone!

Now if I could just get the Birthday Boy to put down the iPhone for awhile.....

Thursday, January 26, 2012

For L: Button Front Skirt

Look 1: Lunch Date w/the Hubs.

For Linds: Button Front Skirt

Here are some ideas for my friend L on how to style a button front skirt! She didn't ask me to do this by the way, I'm just OBSESSED with Polyvore so I can't stop. Someone help me, seriously I need a support group.

This first look is casual enough to wear on the weekend, but would be office appropriate too. I love the mustard flats with the classic striped shirt, and I had to throw in my new favorite color with the handbag--mint green!

Look 2: Business Meeting

For Linds: Button Front Skirt X 2

For a dressy work meeting or church, pair with classic black and red--the turtleneck lets the necklace really pop! Throw on your favorite black blazer and kick some corporate booty!

Look 3: Weekend Shopping with the Girls

For Linds: Button Front Skirt X 3

I saw in your FB profile pic L(not to be a stalker or anything haha!) that you have a similar band tee like this one! Don't be afraid to mix casual pieces with dressy items like the skirt. Throw on a bright cardigan and boots for a fun, casual day with the girls. Backpacks are also making a come-back in rich leathers and textures, works great for overnight trips too! And I absolutely love the quirkiness of the mustache watch---so fun!

Hope these ideas help you decide how to style your button front skirt, L!

Do you have an item in your closet that you need help styling? Email me at hazelwoodservicecompany (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll help you come up with some ideas!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Super Bowl Dreams.

I mentioned this to a few select folks, but not the blogosphere---before football season started, I had a dream that the San Francisco 49ers went to the Super Bowl.

Don't ask me where this dream originated from because I couldn't tell you. I don't even like football and I stopped naming my Ken dolls Joe Montana like three years ago. Now they're all named Ryan Gosling.

The 49ers apparently had a pretty good season, and almost actually even made it to the Super Bowl! Who's even in the Super Bowl now? I've already forgotten. See how uninterested I am? The real reason I'm telling you this has to do in part with my outfit,  but also for the fact that I'm going to share with you my favorite appetizer recipe that is sure to blow the socks off party goers watching the Big Game. Which won't be me, I assure you.

Cabernet Blazer: Thrifted, Teen Challenge Thrift Store. Sequin Tee: Talbots. Black Jeans: Target. Leopard Flats: Payless.

If I were to attend a Super Bowl Party, this is what I'd wear. The 49ers would be proud of my gold and cabernet!

And since I'm not going to a Super Bowl party, but my husband is, this is the appetizer I'll send with him.

Smoked Salmon Toast

2 packages of ready to eat Smoked Salmon
1 tub of whipped cream cheese
1 loaf of sliced pumpernickel bread
dill weed seasoning

Cut the Smoked Salmon into little pieces (a bit smaller than the bread slices)
Spread cream cheese onto the bread slices
top with the salmon pieces
top with a few dashes of dill

Enjoy! Easy Peasy and looks so fabulous everyone will think you're a culinary genius.

Anyone else want to watch Crazy, Stupid Love instead of the Super Bowl? Come on over to my house.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Endless Possibilities.

I've had my sewing machine for almost a year now and I'm just starting to get the hang of using it. While I haven't made anything from scratch with a pattern yet (hopefully soon!) I have used it frequently to hem, mend and re-size clothing. I found this camel turtleneck on deep deep clearance at Macy's ($6!) and instantly loved the color, but they didn't have my size. I purchased it anyway with hopes that with a little work I could make it fit.

The body of the sweater fit a little loose, but that's how I like my sweaters to fit anyway so I left it as is. It was the arms that were terribly too large, so I started by cutting along the seam of the arms and then pinning them about where I wanted them to fit, making sure the sweater was inside out.

Then I got to work sewing a new seam.

Sorry for the dark picture, the boys were trying to watch a movie while I was sewing!
 The end result is a new, more flattering fitting sweater! I'm in love with the classic, Jackie O appeal it has with the red cigarette pants.

Sweater: Macy's, re-sized by me. Jeans: NY&Co. Black Pumps: Macy's, last year.
 Today I'm regretting not purchasing all those larger sized dresses I saw at Target on clearance recently. With a snip of the scissors and a few stitches, they would've fit perfectly! Lesson learned: I have a sewing machine, and I need to use it. Next time I see something adorable in the wrong size, I'm going to take a second look and see if I can modify it to fit.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Pinterest Inspiration.

Happy Monday! How was your weekend? We spent a lot of the weekend resting up (little man was a bit sick on Friday, feeling much better now though) and then Sunday we hosted a baby shower for my sister in law. Later in the week I'll show you some of the yummy recipes I made for the shower---perfect for upcoming Super Bowl parties!

I told you on Friday that I'd probably wear these black jeans again over the weekend...and I certainly did. They washed and dried perfectly by the way!

Saturday evening I ran errands to get ready for the Baby Shower on Sunday, and this is what I wore. I copied a similar look I found from Pinterest! Follow me if you want to see lots of yummy recipes and pictures of cute puppies.

My outfit inspiration! Photo via my pinterest original link found here
 I don't have a jean jacket (I know, right! I need one!) but it's on my "to find" list when I visit thrift stores. I just used what I already had in my closet to re-create this fun outfit!

I have tons of fashion inspiration photos on my pinterest and also saved to my computer for those days when I'm not feeling too creative. That's what blogs are for, in my opinion! To inspire others and help everyone figure out what to wear in the morning.

Fur Vest: AE. Denim Top: NY&Co, old. Black Jeans: Target. Wedges: Old Navy. Pearl Necklaces: Vintage, Thrifted.
 Where do you turn for style inspiration?

Are you following me on Facebook yet? It's so fun to get to know everyone a little better and Facebook is making that possible!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Steak Dinner and a Product Review.

Southeast Missouri is not the fashion capitol of the world. Obviously when I visit a down-home diner such as Terry's Country Cafe in Old Appleton, I can't show up wearing my faux fur vest and leopard stilettos. Well, in theory I guess I could, but I wouldn't be comfortable. And sometimes you just want to fit in!

 Terry's Country Cafe in Old Appleton, MO features a steak dinner once a month for $8.95. That's a bacon wrapped steak and two sides for under $10. Yes! Last night was steak night so we all loaded up in the car and headed over there. Terry's Country Cafe is as "country" as you can get. I love the atmosphere there! I wanted to wear my new jeans (more on that in a minute) and a comfy top so I could stuff my face and no one would notice my "food baby."

Tunic: Yard Sale. Black Skinny Jeans: Target, recent purchase with a coupon! Wedges: Old Navy.
 This outfit was still "me" without being too flashy for an old country cafe. I love this baby pink tunic top, it looks cute belted as well.

Let's talk a little bit about these black jeans. I love black jeans for the mere fact that I can get away with wearing them to work and still be business casual (Think these jeans with a lady like blouse and a black blazer). I have owned a few pairs of black jeans but this new pair is seriously THE BEST fitting jean ever; and they're from TARGET! They have the perfect amount of stretch (only 1% spandex, any more than that would stretch out too much) and they are a mid-rise style which is much more lady like than hip huggers. I'm wearing them again today actually, and they still fit just as awesome as last night. Bonus: These jeans are on sale (right this very moment!) for $22. Go to and print off a COUPON for an addition $3.00 off any women's apparel item and that brings the final price to $19! Score!

Black jeans can be super slimming, but not if they're all stretched out and baggy by mid-day. Look for a pair with less than 1% spandex and with a mid to high rise in the waist for a more flattering silhouette.

Don't mind me if you see me wearing these jeans tomorrow too :) Have a good weekend, friends!

My sweet little Sooie pup.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

For Chase: Corduroy Skirt.

For Chase: Corduroy Skirt

This set is for my friend Chase! Chase has a brownish/grey corduroy skirt, and here's an option of what to pair with it! I love the way the maroon tights compliment the navy blouse. Pair with brown boots for a casual look. I'm not sure if I'd tuck the top in or leave it out, that's up to you, Chase!

For Chase x2: Corduroy Skirt

Another option is to pair the skirt with dark green tights. Not "Peter Pan Green" if you know what I mean! Just a simple, dark green. Pair with an off white cozy sweater and nude flats. I think that nude shoes go with everything! The icing on the cake is turquoise accessories---so pretty and simple.

In the spring, skip the tights and keep wearing your boots and flats. Hope that helps, Chase!

Sex Before Marriage.

You might not know this about me, but I think it's an important reason why I have become the person I am today: I got pregnant before I was married.

There. The secrets out!

While I never intended to have sex before marriage, it just happened. And actually, I'm sure it's happened to a lot more "christian girls" than you think, they just haven't been caught because they didn't get pregnant.

While I do strongly believe that God intends for sex to be between a man and his wife, I know that I'm a sinner, and so are you. We all mess up. That's the cool thing about Grace. That's the amazing thing about Forgiveness.

If I hadn't gotten pregnant, I wouldn't have the best kid in the entire world sitting in my lap right now. I honestly probably wouldn't be married, either. God had other plans, didn't he?

I like to think that my past has helped mold me into the woman I am today. And, not to pat myself on the back or anything, I think I'm a pretty cool person. Dorky, but cool.

I have just had this message on my heart for awhile now. If an event from your past makes you cringe every time you think about it and you get this guilty or ashamed feeling inside-----just stop right now. You are an amazing, unique individual that God crafted in His image. He knew we'd screw things up, that's why he sent His Son. So don't be ashamed of anything. Just curl up in the Father's lap and tell Him all about it. He's there, waiting to hear all your crazy, embarrassing stories. He's there, waiting to forgive you.

Polka Dot Blouse: NY&Co, recent purchase, bought with a Gift Card. Cords: Kohls. Booties: Macy's.
 Another cool thing about Love and Forgiveness, I can wear crazy things like this polka dot blouse. And those that matter in my life, really don't mind. And those that do mind that I'm wearing this crazy polka dot blouse, really don't matter. Thanks, Dr. Seuss.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

For Morgan: Brown Skinny Cords + Shoes

For Morgan: Brown Skinny Cords + Shoes

For Morgan: Brown Skinny Cords + Shoes by lifetoldbyles featuring high waisted cigarette pants

My friend Morgan had some trouble finding shoes to go with her chocolate brown skinny cords. Here are a few options I hope she'll try!

Option 1: Try mixing black and brown! Pair with either a black sweater or blouse to balance the black ballet flats. This look is perfect for the office, and most people own a pair of black flats so you wouldn't have to look any further than your closet.  

Option 2: Go bold! Loafers are a comfortable and warm alternative to ballet flats. The leopard print matches with the brown pants and opens up the option to go bold on top with a bright sweater or coat.

Option 3: Cowgirl it up! This is my favorite option--I guess I'm a country girl at heart! The grey shade compliments the brown pants and will go with pretty much any top! Tuck the cords into the boots for an on trend look. Bonus: The low heel will be comfortable for work!

Option 4: Pink! While Uggs are not very professional for the office, they work well on the weekend, and brown and pink ALWAYS look adorable together!

Morgan I hope that helps!

If you have a tricky item in your closet that you need help finding something to pair with it, write on my facebook wall and I'll do my best to help you out!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

For Steph X 2: Blue Pants

For Steph X 2: Blue Pants

Hey guys! My friend Steph bought some new blue pants, so I wanted to share with her an idea on what to wear with them! Instead of the usual brown or black top, try a blouse in the same color family such as this pastel green or even a light blue. Keep the accessories simple and let the pants be the focal point: Nude flats with simple gold studs will do the trick!

Do you have an item in your closet (or that you're thinking of buying!) that you don't know what to wear with it? Shoot me an email or comment on my facebook page and I'll help you put an outfit together!
Equipment turquoise blouse
£231 -

H&M flat shoes
£7.99 -

LORD & TAYLOR square earrings
$350 -

ABS Allen Schwartz gold tone jewelry
$150 -

Wanna know more?

Check out Annie Laurie Antiques Blog for a little question and answer session featuring yours truly! I welcomed the outfit break today because I'm honestly soaking wet from this morning's storm--yuck! Anyways check out the interview, which features my favorite thrifted accessory and home decorating item! Thank you Annie Laurie's Antiques and BOLD Marketing for the opportunity!

Wool Coat: Macy's, circa 2010. Cords: Kohls. Booties: Macy's. Yellow Clutch: Thrifted.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday Lovelies.

Happy Monday! Here are a few things that have been on my mind lately

1. Red pants! How cute is this simple look on Miranda Kerr? I've been debating on red jeans recently and this pic has me convinced I need a pair.

Photo from here.
 2. John's 3rd birthday is less than two weeks away. I've been gathering a few ideas from pintrest for his party, including this adorable caterpillar cupcake :)

My friend and I are making the cupcakes ourselves. I'm still tossing back and forth the caterpillar idea, but I might end up just doing a rainbow of colored icing. The theme for his party is "Art" and the kiddos will be painting little canvases to take home as a souvenir---I'm so excited!

3. I'm in looove with smoking loafers. I'm on the prowl, for real.
Exhibit A: Lulus.

Exhibit B: Classic Black. Steve Madden

Exhibit C: Sparkly. JCP.

4. Being comfy while I'm sick :(

Sweater: Not sure, super old. Tank: NY&Co. Jeans: Target. Sparkly Sperry's: Journey's.
Sunday I left the house for 10 minutes to run by my Mommy's for more meds. The cold that hit everyone in my family but me at Christmas finally made it's way into my sinuses. I'm feeling better today thanks to Daquil and the four oranges I ate this morning for breakfast. Yay vitamin C and plenty of rest!

5. When I'm sick, I always paint my nails since I have nothing else to do besides lay in bed and feel lousy.

This is my new favorite, Essie's Sole Mate.

Target, $7.

I've got a busy week planned! What are you up to? Happy MLK day!