
Thursday, June 30, 2011

my new business needs a name, por favor.

Hey all. Next week we're meeting with our lawyers to get our LLC for our new rental properties business. We want to keep our rental homes separate from Hazelwood Service Company LLC (My husband's Heating and Cooling Company). I will be the president of this new company and the hubs wants me to be in complete charge of everything (scary, I know!) While I'm excited to start this new adventure, I've already come across a minor problem--the new business needs a proper name. Here are a couple of ideas that I've been tossing back and forth.....please let me know your favorites! Keep in mind, this new business will also be incorporated into my Home Organization/Decorating business that I hope to start someday. Also, my name has to be unique to the state of MO; i.e. no one else can have the same LLC name as me.

  • Hazelwood Homes (kind of un-original, but I like the way the H's sound together)
  • Hazelwood Properties
  • Agape Homes (Agape is the Greek word for Love, or more specifically, Love for Christ and Mankind)
  • Agape Properties
Ok. That's the extent of my creativity right now. I'm seriously open to ANYTHING so PLEASE help me brainstorm!! Love you all,

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Website is featuring my blog contest!

Hey guys! Friday check out this website Giveaways Are Sexy and see my Summer Blog Contest being promoted! Pretty exciting huh?!?! My friend and fellow blogger Emmy told me about Giveaways Are Sexy and it's such a neat-o site. Basically every week they are giving something away....For FREE! Who doesn't love free stuff, right? You can also Like them on Facebook to keep updated on their weekly prizes. I'll post a link to Facebook Friday so you can remember to check it out!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Hey friends! The Spring Blog Contest I did back in April went over so well and was so much fun, I want to do another one! Before, I wanted to know what you (my readers) enjoyed about my blog the most, or a favorite blog post of mine. Now I want to know.......What is your favorite hobby or "down-time" activity?? Basically, when you have an hour of free time with just YOU, what activity do you jump at doing? Examples could be exercising, baking, reading, gardening, you name it! If you're like me, you have an entire list of hobbies and activities that you wish you had more time to work on.

Here's my list of my favorite "Mommy Time" activities:
  • Spending time with my Savior
  • Working with my Sewing Machine
  • Working in my garden
  • Researching Organizing Tips
  • Picking Wildflowers
  • Listening to Ray Lamontagne and painting my nails on the back porch.
I could go on and on, but these are my current favorite "me" things to do. Some of these things I do daily, while others I indulge in only every month or so.

I just want to get to know you a little better! Respond to this post or to my facebook wall with your answer and your name will be entered in to win! Last time I let John draw the winner's name from a hat to be fair :)


The BEST book I've read this summer! Get ready to change your entire perspective on your own personal Salvation....

Hope you like it!

  • A Homemade Throw Pillow sewn by yours truly :)

  • A Personal Shopping Trip to Target with ME! We'll meet at Target and style together an outfit of your choice, and I'll pay for $30.00 worth of that outfit!! WOW!! If you live out of town, I'll mail you the rest of your winnings and a $30.00 Target Gift Card.

You will have until this Saturday, July 2nd to enter to win. Remember, simply respond to this blog post or to my facebook page to enter. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!! I hope you're as excited as I am!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bikini Babe? Yay or Nay?

I have never felt comfortable in a bikini. I think they're adorable on other women, I just have yet to find one that I think is flattering on me. I'm about average sized (6 in pants, small on top) and I've found some that look ok on me, but nothing I feel confident in. I've got some stretch marks below my belly button from my pregnancy that really should be covered, but I do feel like my waist is nice enough to showcase. That's why I've been searching for a "retro high-waisted" swimsuit. I think they're really cute, but you don't see them on too many women in Southeast Missouri....maybe a little too retro for some? Anyway, what do you think of this one? Found it at JCrew.

Both pieces, top and bottom, are sold separately, so total I'm looking at $64.00 and that's on sale. Kinda pricey, huh? But if it fits well and I feel beautiful in it then the price really doesn't matter to me because I've been searching for the perfect swimsuit for awhile. I even bought two other swimsuits this year already that I just don't absolutely love. By the way, let me know if you're looking for a new tankini or two because I'd love to swap with you! ;)

Anyway, I'm looking for some feedback here....what do you think of this suit?? Do the bottoms remind you too much of a diaper? Or do you think it's adorably retro?

Sanity Saving Monday Tip: Homemade Laundry Detergent

I'm feeling a little lazy and un-inspirational this morning, so I don't have any original tips from my brain to share with you. I did find this site that has 10 Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipes that I thought I'd share because this is my project for the week! I'm tired of spending so much on laundry detergent--it's expensive, huh? So when I hear "less than a penny per load" for these recipes....I'm all for it. Since I have well water and it's a little discolored at times (I've heard well-water can take up to three years to clear completely) I might need to tweak my recipe a bit and add more washing soda (the ingredient that does the majority of the cleaning.) I'm going to slowly try all 10 of these recipes until I find the one I like best, but here's the first recipe that I'm going to try this week. I'll post pics of my progress and let you know how it turns out.

Recipe #1 (that I'm trying this week!)

1 Quart Water (boiling)
1 Bar of Soap Grated (I'm using Ivory
2 Cups of Borax (found in the detergent isle at Wal-Mart)
2 Cups of Washing Soda (found at Ace Hardware on N. Kingshighway)

1. Add finely grated bar soap to the boiling water and stir until soap is melted. Turn heat down to low once melted.

2. Pour the soap water into a large, clean pail (I'm using a 5-gallon bucket) and add the Borax and Washing Soda. Stir well (I'm using a painting stick) until all is dissolved.

3. Add 2 gallons of water and stir until well mixed.

4. Cover the 5-gallon bucket and use 1/4 cup for each load of laundry. You will need to stir each time before using because the detergent will gel-up.

And that's it! Sounds pretty easy, huh? I'm thinking of adding some essential oils (like lavender or tea-tree oil) to add a bit of a pleasant smell, but they're pricey ($9.99 at Hobby Lobby) so it's something I'll have to think about.

Have you tried homemade detergent before? Do you feel like your clothes actually come out clean and stain free?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Fashion Friday: I love a good sale.

Hi friends. I haven't really been shopping much lately, but there are some pretty good retail sales going on right now that you might be interested in. I did buy a tank top from AE yesterday that only cost me $8.00! If you're thinking of doing some shopping this weekend, here are my top three places to check out:

1. New York and Company.
They are having their Semi-Annual Sale right now, and apparently everything in the entire store is marked down! Here are a few Promo Codes that I had emailed to me. Keep in mind, you don't have to present a coupon to the cashier, just give them the four-digit number at the register for discount!
Today is the LAST DAY for these offers, so if you're interested you better head over there!
*and, if you're shopping online, use CODE 6514 for FREE SHIPPING!

If I was going to shop there today, here's what I'd pick up:
Cute Linen Pants in an unexpected lavender color, 50% off original price!

Another Semi-Annual Sale! I sometimes think that AE is a little pricey for what they sell (you know, thin tanks and tees, ripped up jeans, etc) but when they're having a sale I jump on it. I love their lightweight, flowy tanks for summer and they actually have some pretty cute cargo capris too right now! Use PROMO CODE 92465601 for 20% OFF EVERYTHING TODAY ONLY. Good in-stores and online.

Here's the tank I picked up yesterday.

For some reason it wouldn't let me upload the pic. Also, online the price is $14.99 but I used a coupon yesterday in-store and got it for $8.00!

This is not your grandma's favorite brand. Land's End Canvas is a newer, hipper version of the classic Land's End styles Sears has been selling for years. The prices are amazing, the pieces are adorable (think JCrew meets Gap) and I'm absolutely in love. Plus, right now they're having a MEGA SUMMER SALE!! :):) Unfortunately, our Sears doesn't offer the Land's End Canvas styles, but you can still shop online! Now through July 3rd use PROMO CODE UNMATCHED and PIN NUMBER 1245 for FREE SHIPPING!

Here are some of my favorite pieces from the sale!

Women's Ballerina Dress in Jade $39.99 (originally $69.99!)

Ruffle Racer back Tank in Pale Grey $19.99 (originally $29.50)

Cut Off Jean Shorts $24.50 (originally $39.50) and isn't this entire outfit adorable??

Hope you guys find some great deals this weekend! I'm going to skip the mall in favor of the swimming pool :) Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I love being a child.

You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak as from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God; he who knows God listens to us; he who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

1 John 4: 4-8

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place.

My mom used to say that phrase all the time. Before we would entertain guests, she'd run around the house like a mad woman cleaning, organizing, and "placing" items strategically to get noticed. She always had fresh flowers for parties, saying that flowers "Created Calm." One thing I noticed she never did was set a table scape. We always had a buffet-style dinner where we would fix our own plates and then sit down. I still prefer this method when we host parties, but for everyday I like to set the table for my family. Daniel's grandmother Carmela Hazelwood actually was the first person to show me how to properly set a table.

This is a simple table-setting with the everyday necessities, a knife, fork, and napkin. The salad bowl is placed in the center of the plate. This is how I set my table on a normal weeknight with no guests.

Here is Grandma Carmela's table in full view, with the serving dishes in the middle, ready to be loaded up with deliciousness :)

Here is a formal place-setting, created by Daniel's mom Cynthia. This is how she sets the table for family gatherings and holidays. Salad fork and dinner fork on the right, knife and spoon on the left. Napkin on dinner plate, salad bowl to the left, and drinking glass to the right.

I don't think it's necessary to set the table EVERY night, but I do think it's handy to know how in case you'd like to. What's your method for dinner night? Do you grab your plate and go, or set the table for your family?

I've had these pictures saved on my computer for awhile now, and occasionally I have to glance at them just to remind myself that I'm setting the table correctly! Feel free to save these pics on your computer too, who knows when you might need reminding!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sanity Saving Monday Tip: Text vs. Call

Last year when I started text messaging, I was excited to get out of the dark ages. I know everyone has been texting for years, and I used to text before I was married, but to save money my husband and I opted to not text for awhile. After many questions and hurtful remarks of "Why didn't you text me back?" Or, "Don't you have text, I've tried to get in touch with you three times now!" we decided it was within our budget to start texting again. Also my husband has customers who actually prefer to text for service calls instead of taking the time to call him.

Text messaging has the upper hand when it comes to convenience, but there are instances when calling is more appropriate and polite. You wouldn't send a text saying "OMG, Aunt Edna is dead".......or would you? What about sharing moments of joy; "I'm engaged!" or, "It's a boy!" Sometimes text messaging comes in-between what should be special moments of sharing joy, or sharing pain. We have become reliant on text to let our spouses know we love them, or tell a friend "Happy Birthday." What about a nice, old fashioned phone call?

I'm guilty here as well. I'm too busy sometimes to tell a friend hello, or ask how their new job is going. With a text I can still let them know I care, without taking the time to call them. So.....does this not negate the gesture of kindness? Am I in fact saying that: "I DO want to know how you're doing at home with your new baby, but I DON'T want to take the time to call you because it will probably take 20 minutes I don't have."

I know you guys have some thoughts on this.....let me know what you think. What's your "Code of Ethics" on texting vs. calling?

My Sanity Saving Tip: When in doubt, take the time to call. Hearing your voice means more than seeing a typed message.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Fashion Friday: Accessorizing for Dummies.

I used to hate jewelry. No, really. The extent of my accessorizing abilities was handmade friendship bracelets and simple silver studs just to keep my ears pierced. I was, and still am, an accessorizing dummy.

Then, I got engaged. When Daniel gave me that beautiful, crystal clear carat it was love at first sight.

Since then I've TRIED to start being a little can I put this........ feminine? Maybe? Yes, I've tried to be a bit more feminine with my accessorizing. I come from a family of all women (I was raised by my mom, grandma, and aunt) who absolutely adore anything shiny and expensive and for some reason I never really jumped on board. My sister has an extensive jewelry collection thanks in part to QVC and she and my mother are trying to force-feed me into loving jewelry. When we go out together, half the time they bring a couple extra necklaces with them to, as they say, "brighten me up." I do appreciate their efforts, but I've always been rebellious and have been trying to learn to accessorize on my own.

When it comes to jewelry, I think less is more. Ever seen a woman with a ring on every finger? They may be beautiful, but do you really notice the beauty and intricacy of each piece? Of course not, you don't have time to sit and stare at all 10 rings. I wear my wedding rings, and OCCASIONALLY one simple ring that I bought at American Eagle in highschool. It's the only other ring I own.

I wouldn't be opposed to wearing another ring, I just don't own anything else right now. AND I'm not saying that women who wear several rings are in any way not "doing it right", I'm just saying that I personally prefer the less is more approach. How do you feel about this?

My friend Michelle will appreciate this picture of my new watch and bracelets that I'm wearing today. Michelle has tried many times to help me with my accessorizing disability :) My favorite fashion blogger J's Everyday Fashion gave me this inspiration, Thanks J!

Check out her cute watch and bracelet set on the right. I love it, but for me it's a bit too sparkly for everyday. Here's my take on the look:

Just a simple watch that was (HOLLER) $5.99 at AE recently. Also I absolutely love the bangle with the hemp detail.....a little nod to my old friendship bracelet days :)

Finally, here are the earrings I've been wearing recently. I still don't do hoops or dangly earrings, just because I feel like they're a bit too fancy for me. I love pearls and studs like these though.

So, what are some of your go-to accessories? Do you feel that less is more or do you think "the more the better?"

Have a great weekend everyone! xoxo

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rants and Raves.

As most of you know, we recently returned from Florida for our family vacation and had a someone unique experience. Between tow trucks and fungi-engrossed hotel rooms, we did manage to have a lovely vacation, in fact one of the best vacation's I've ever had! My husband's family who lives down there are some of the most loving and genuine people you will ever come across. They truly have a heart for the Lord!

One of my favorite pastimes is writing online reviews. I finished writing my reviews on the places we visited in Florida (some good, some bad) and wanted to share them with you guys! If you ever drive to Daytona from Cape, here's some places to check out, and AVOID.

First off, FOOD PLACES:

1. Brooklyn Bro's Pizza in Lake City, FL. Great if you like greasy pizza, which I don't. John surprisingly ate almost an entire piece so at least someone liked it. I give it 3 Stars, mostly for the atmosphere (Neat wall art!) and friendly service.

John and his Pizza Face smile.

2. Mickey Fin's in Orange City, FL.
Daniel and I went out for a late night appetizer while his Grandparent's watched JD our last evening in FL. We wanted to go somewhere local, and this was the ONLY PLACE we could find in the entire town that had outdoor seating. There were police officers guarding the place and we unfortunately sat next to a group of ladies with Sailor mouths. We didn't order anything and ended up going to Applebees instead. Only 2 Stars for this place, it was pretty sketch if you ask me.

3. Wintzell's Oyster House in Mobile, Alabama.
We were CRAVING seafood on our way home and stopped at this charming little place in Mobile. Wintzell's, where you can get oyster's Fried, Stewed, or Nude was AMAZING! Cute character and charm (the walls were covered with virtuous saying and slogans) and fast, friendly service (our waitress brought us drinks to-go without us having to ask). I of course ordered "Nude" oyster's and Daniel had the fried seafood platter. John loved the complimentary garlic bread and he even tried gator tail for the first time! They have other locations all around the gulf coast so I suggest if you're heading that way to check them out! 5 out of 5 Stars for sure!!


1. Jimmies Tow Service near Tallahassee, FL.
Stranded on the side of the interstate, my husband called every Tow truck service he could find in the Tallahassee, FL area. Each place he called either was too busy to come, or didn't answer the phone at all. One man gave us the number for Jimmie's Tow Service, and they answered and said they would be there to help ASAP. The gentleman who towed my car was very polite and friendly. I overheard him on the phone giving other employees instructions to help an elderly couple who were having car trouble first before a younger woman because of the heat. He even brought up the Bible with us and seemed to be Saved. I was very impressed with this company, so if you ever need a tow in Tallahassee you know who to call! 5 out of 5 stars!

2. Beachside Resort Hotel in Gulf Shores, AL.
Horrible. Disgusting. Dirty. Moldy. Did I say Dirty? Dirty. Nasty. Rude. Loud. Worst-hotel-I've-ever-stayed-at. Overpriced. Inconsiderate. Slave drivers.

Poor Hubby. He tried to find a nice, affordable hotel by the beach for us to stay in our last night of vacation. As soon as we pulled in he said, "I think we're at the wrong place." Well, turns out it WAS in fact our hotel and can you say "False Advertisement?" Go to the website. Trust me when I say the oil-stained carpets and cigarette butts all over the counter tops did not in any way scream "luxury and comfort" as the website describes. And the poor immigrants working there could barely understand English let alone tell me where the ice machine was. Please Please Please never ever ever stay at this hotel, ok? Big Fat 0 out of 5 Stars.

3. Proctor Subaru in Tallahassee, FL.
So as you know, we had car trouble in Florida and had to end up being towed to a car dealership. We had an amazing experience at Proctor Subaru! The staff was friendly and understanding, and for my husband to actually LIKE a car salesman is rare. We even talked about going back to FL someday and visiting the staff there. Loved them!

You know, now that I'm finished writing this I'm trying to decide if any of this information is at all relative to you. It's kinda not.......unless you're planning on taking a road-trip to Daytona sometime soon. Ha. Oh well I'm posting it anyway because I worked hard linking everything......sigh. I'll try to be more aware of your interests with tomorrow's Fashion Friday post!

Swap Meet and the end of my 40 Day Fast

Hey Everyone! Welp, I survived my 40 day shopping fast, and all in all I did pretty good. I did buy a couple of cotton tank tops that I took on vacation, but that was at about day 35 so I figured I was pretty close :) My tanks from last summer were nowhere to be found and I knew I'd need something cool to wear in the 90 + degree tems in Florida.

Now that the Fast is over, I feel more educated and aware of the hold shopping had on my life. Instead of spending my free time shopping, I was able to get a lot of things accomplished this past month that I had been putting off. I also learned to appreciate the clothes and belongings I have on an entirely different level. I made new outfits from old tops and bottoms that I had never thought would go together before. I seriously feel like.......responsible or something. (Gasp!). I know that my husband is proud of me, and that really counts for a lot in my book. He even said the other night "Why don't you treat yourself to some shopping since you haven't bought anything in awhile?" I told him that I didn't need to. I have everything I need right now :)

That was my entire point with the Shopping Fast. I wanted to remind myself that shopping should be on a "needs only" basis, not just for "whenever I want." I'm going to continue to limit my spending, and also continue to give only handmade or secondhand gifts to others whenever feasable.

During my Shopping Fast, I hosted a Swap Meet where some friends came over with clothes and books that they were tired of. We borrowed and gave until pretty much everything was gone! Some things we will return to each other after awhile, and other things we just gave away for keeps. Cool huh? Here are a couple pics from the event.

We went around and held up our belongings so everyone could get a good look at each stash o goodies. We had to bring in extra tables and chairs because of all the stuff!!

Check out all those goodies on my bed!! Thank you to everyone who participated!

Two of the beautiful swappers :) Good job ladies. We had a great turnout!

The idea behind the swap party was so that women could experience having something new without having to shell out any cash. We are all family in God's house, so why not share with each other?

Check out this video I found of professional Swap-a-holics :)

These women are from a website called and it's basically an entire network dedicated to Swapping. Wouldn't it be cool to do something like this at the Osage Center or somewhere here in town? What do you guys think?

I will keep you updated on when the next Swap Meet will be held. I'm already planning one for the Fall so we can all get geared up for the new school year :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

home away from home.

Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for......FLORIDA VACATION PICS!! With some quirky little stories along the way. Enjoy.

This is Grandma Bev's beautiful screened-in back porch. We stayed with them 3 nights of our vacation. I read, drank coffee, napped, and played toys with JD on this porch. I have to say that being on the beach and sitting on this porch are really equally just as lovely.

My ideal vacation is relaxing and spending time with loved ones, but Daniel like to be a little more adventurous on his vacation. He and Grandpa John (whom our John is named after) went fishing and caught some monsters! They were delicious too :)

I felt so blessed to be able to spend time with Daniel's Great-Grandma Moss. She is truly a wonderful, kind-hearted woman. I don't think I've ever seen her without a smile on her face.

My little beach babes :) John had SO much fun playing at the beach. He threw sand, splashed in the water, the works.

A little action shot. Now that we're home John's using those tools in our garden. I think he misses the sand though :(

Grandpa John, Daniel, Grandma Bev, JD, and Great-Grandma Moss. I love this picture :) I hope we can get another one at Thanksgiving when we go back!

Daniel and JD with Cousin Adam on his 11th birthday! So glad we got to spend it with him!

We had to say goodbye to my Volvo in Tallahassee, FL. On our way home, the engine finally went out and Winston the Wagon passed away. We got towed to a car dealership and traded him in for a new Subaru Outback--I love it! Still I kinda miss my Volvo. Thanks for the memories Winston! To remember you we decided to name the Subaru Winston Junior :)

This is the only picture I have from the whole vacation of just me and John, and my ta-ta's are kind of out of control. Oh well. This was taken on our way home in Mobile, Alabama.

Just the most sweetest little sand Angel you've ever seen, huh? I'll shut up now I know I'm gushing too much..... :) I just can't help it!!!!!!!

Sleepy, happy, and peaceful. That's how I felt pretty much the entire vacation. We loved every moment, even if some were a little rocky (i.e. 4 hours at the car dealership!). I love my family, and I love my husband's family. Thanks for a wonderful vacation!!

I'll update my facebook later with all the rest of the pics! :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sanity Saving Tuesday (oops) Tip: Vacation Keepsakes

The last thing I wanted to do on vacation was think about souvenirs. You all know I LOVE shopping, but I DO NOT like shopping in Souvenir shops. And I greatly dislike souvenirs. Don't kill me....but I think they're tacky. What am I going to do with a sea shell puzzle? Or an over-sized t-shirt that says "I Heart Gulf Shores?" No thank you. Just enjoy your vacation and PLEASE don't get me anything.

Right before I left on vacation, Martha emailed me this tip on making an As-You-Go Vacation Keepsake. Genius! No need to buy any souvenirs when I can make my own!

Here's the handy little keepsake Martha made. She packed a hole punch and a small loose-leaf ring. As she collected postcards or maps on her trip, she attached them to her ring. When she got home she added pictures and a label to the front. Adorable! Here's the one I made:

I used mostly pictures in mine, but also a napkin from a restaurant we ate at, a prayer card Daniel's aunt gave me, and the business card of the car dealer we met on our trip. (I'll go into more detail on that when I post the vacation pics)

Today's Tip: Don't waste your vacation away worrying about buying something to remember your trip by. Take a couple pics, save a few postcards, and enjoy your vacation!

Monday, June 13, 2011

handmade with love.

I'm baaaack! We had a great time on vacation! I know you all loved reading Kathleen's posts while I was away. Thanks again Kathleen! Maybe someday when she starts her own blog I will guest-blog for her :)

I'm still recovering from our travels, so I'll post pics on our vacation within the next couple of days. I did finish a craft I was working on, so I thought I'd share it with you today. I'm still trying to stick to my plan to either make something or buy something used when it comes to gifts for others, so I made this baby blanket for a friend.

At first I wasn't 100% in love with the colors, but now I think they're adorable! Since the sex of the baby is going to be a surprise, I wanted to make something that wasn't gender specific. I think I nailed it! What do you guys think? I know the left side is a little looser than the right, but oh well :p

I made this using double stitch crochet. I only know two stiches in crochet, single and double, and when I use a thin yarn like this I always use double stitch so it goes a little faster. I use single stitch when I'm working with thick wool, like for a chunky scarf. I learned how to crochet from my highschool boyfriend's mom, go figure. My crochet abilites are limited to scarves and blankets......that's it. This Christmas I plan to make a large amount of scarves as presents :) Do you crochet or knit?

I'll post my "Sanity Saving Monday Tip" later tonight once it's finished. Love you guys and I've missed you!!! Hope everyone had a great week!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Fashion Friday: Top 3 Beauty Tips

Are any of you addicting to reading about beauty tips and secrets? Do you regularly scan through websites and blog posts looking for ways to become skinner and more beautiful?

If you are, don’t worry, I use to be just like you. I have always wanted to be skinnier. Every time I saw an article about weight loss, dieting, etc I poured through it trying to figure out the new tips and suggestions. Most of the workout routines I found, I tried. It was a terrible feeling to discover the newest fad, tip, or secret wasn’t working.

After doing this for years I realized a few things. I realized that most programs were more about making money than actually helping people meet their goals.

The rest of what I discovered I made into my top 3 beauty tips.

3. Our bodies are the Temple of Christ

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says:

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”

Our bodies are temples of Christ. We need to respect this by respecting ourselves and our bodies. This means we need to take care of our bodies. We need to learn self-control so we can control our eating and exercise habits. We also need to respect ourselves so we are able to not abuse our bodies in anyway. Take care of the body Christ knit together for you. (“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.” Psalm 139:13)

2.      Inner beauty v.s. outward beauty

Your inner beauty has more importance than you may realize. Scripture has this to say about inner beauty:

1 Peter 3:3-4:

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.”

I suggest that you live each day trying to make the inner you more beautiful! Start by making sure you live each day showing the Fruits of the Spirit! 

Galatians 5:22-23:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” 

Use these to guide your ways and your inner beauty will shine the light of Jesus in the darkest of places.

This leads me to the most important beauty tip: 

1.      God looks at the heart 

The most important thing to remember comes from 1 Samuel 16:7-

“The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

When God is looking down on us he does not see us the way the people of the world sees people. He sees each one of His creations as beautiful! 

Psalm 139:14:

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

I pray that each of you realizes how special and beautiful you are. I pray that you live each day discovering and living the way God views you. I pray that you share your joy with others as you discover all the wonderful works of Jesus!

Thank you so much to all of you who have been reading my blogs! I have had a wonderful time guest blogging for my amazing friend Leslie! If in the future I decide to start my own blog I will let Leslie know so she can share with you!

Love Kathleen :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Family Vision

Do you have a vision that you live for each day?

Scripture has this to say:

Proverbs 29:18:

"Where there is no vision, the people perish."

I believe in this scripture. A couple of years ago I was basically a leaf blown by the wind. I had no purpose for my life. I just went where ever the “wind blew me.” I got up, I went to class, I came home, I did nothing.

I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and I had no purpose. This caused me to go through a time where I was almost lifeless. Then I came across Proverbs 29:18. This scripture kept coming up. My family kept talking about it, I read it in several books, I heard someone preach on it… Then suddenly it just clicked.

I needed a reason to get up each morning. I need a purpose so I could spend my days productively. This is why I think having a vision is so important.

I labeled this post family vision but, your vision does not have to line up with your other family members. It can be your own personal vision and one that you might share with your own family someday.

This is my family’s vision that has become my own personal vision.

Our vision is:

Love3  iKAN Love3  -Love3 stands for Love God, Love yourself, and Love others. iKAN stands for Influencing Kingdoms And Nations. So our vision means to Love God, Love yourself, and Love others to Influence Kingdoms And Nations to Love God, Love themselves, and Love others.

What are some of your family/personal visions?

I pray that each of you seeks God until He gives you your own vision! I then pray that you live each day focused on your vision!

Check back tomorrow for my last blog post! It will be a Fashion Friday post.

Thank you for your support!

Love, Kathleen :)