
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

FINALLY a vegetable garden.

It's been sooo rainy and wet here I haven't been able to put out a garden yet. It's been dry for about 3 days now so yesterday I jumped on the chance to plant. We put out 8 tomato plants, 2 habanero plants, 4 jalapeno plants, 3 zucchini, 3 squash, and a pot of cilantro and basil. We make homemade salsa every summer to can and give out as gifts throughout the year. Thanks to my Father in Law for letting us use his tiller to break up the ground, and to Daniel for doing the heavy digging work.

The ground before we planted and the heavy duty tiller.

All my pretty little vegetables waiting to be planted :)

It was getting dark when we finished, but you can still see the little babies popping up!

My cute blue pot with cilantro and basil!

It's a little expensive to put out a garden every year, but it's worth it. We spent about $80.00 all together on plants and soil today. I prayed over the garden when we finished that it would "bare great fruits and multiply!" Just as long as we get our money back in produce it will be worth it!

Do you plant a garden?

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