
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Life Lessons from the Road

Driving appx 2600 miles from Seattle WA and back home to MO, I learned a few things.

Lesson 1: When you have a 30 minute layover before your next flight, you need to run, not walk.

Lesson 2: Seattle is cold and rainy, but very hip and relaxed.

Fish Market in downtown Seattle.

Lesson 3: Cape G needs a landmark, like Seattle's Gum Wall.

Daniel and I at the Fish Market, in front of a giant, disgusting wall of 30 years worth of chewed gum.

Lesson 4: Best dinner of the trip, eating oysters and watching cable TV in our hotel room in Squim, Washington :)

Daniel looking out onto the Discovery Bay in Squim, WA.

My first view of the mountains in Squim, WA.
Lesson 5: Do. Not. Panic. When you're driving through the mountains and it's snowing and all the road signs say "Chain Tires Here." Worrying about the roads doesn't make the snow stop. And actually, the snowy mountains are beautiful.

Snowy Mountain Drive.
Lesson 6: Ruby the Subaru can and will hit 30mpg on the highway...yeah baby!

Lesson 7: Bison Rib-eye Steak = Absolutely THE best steak in the world. Don't be surprised if I serve buffalo and my next supper gathering.

Holding the glorious Bison Menu.

Lesson 8: Yes, Montana is cold in November. Taking your coat off for an outfit photo should last no more than 1 minute before frost bite sets in.

Dinner attire in Montana requires tough boots and a Southwestern style belt.
Lesson 9: Always stop for National Landmarks, such as Mt. Rushmore and the "real" General Lee.

Lesson 10: Spending time alone with your husband is essential to a happy, healthy marriage. Coming home and seeing your son after time apart is equally amazing.

Want to see more pics from the road? Check my facebook later today!

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